Download Whiteboard For Mac

If you are a Mac user, and if you want to use a whiteboard software in your class or if you want to screencast your lectures, then you can choose among the three whiteboard software below. The first two are free and the third one has a free version.

Cross-platform whiteboard application for all major platforms. LiveBoard was designed with a mobile-first approach and having our customers’ needs in our minds. Thus, we make our service easy to use and available on all major platforms via iOS, Android, Web. Not many people use it, but Paint for Mac is a very useful software. Create a new whiteboard and collaborate with others at the same time. Bring ideas, content and people together – from your computer, phone or tablet. Most of the Whiteboard Animation Software tools come with a free trial version. Download and check out the trial version before proceeding to purchase the pro version. Installation is quite easy and anyone can perform it without any hassle. The Whiteboard Animation Software tool can be accessed by opening the icon that appears after installation. Live collaboration on whiteboard, PDF docs and voice from iPad & Mac. BaiBoard on iPad currently has more advanced features than Mac. FEATURES:. Real-time, Collaborative, with easy-to-use drawing interface. Internet based services for collaborating, sharing, storing, viewing with both drawing and chat capabilities.

3 Free Whiteboard Software for Mac Users

1. Paintbrush


Not many people use it, but Paint for Mac is a very useful software. It is a Mac equivalent Paint in Windows. I was using Paint before I migrated to Mac and I’m still using it often particularly in simple image editing particularly cropping. Paint can also be used as a whiteboard software. I myself have used it many times.

Download Whiteboard For Mac

2. BaiBoard

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Microsoft Whiteboard For Mac Free Download

BaiBoard is another whiteboard software with collaborative capabilities. When it comes to texture, it is better than Paint. However, its downside is its drop down color palette. If you are doing a screencast, it is slower to change color.

3. Autodesk Sketchbook

Autodesk Sketchbook has a lot of more features than the two whiteboard software mentioned above. As the name implies, it is used for sketching and drawing, so it has a variety of brushes. Although its feature is not really as a whiteboard, it can still be used for such purpose.

If you are using Windows, you can check the Classic Whiteboardsoftware. There are only several useful online whiteboard software for free.

Having a board to write on is very important, especially in school settings. A blackboard is the traditional writing board that schools often use, but all of those dusty chalks might cause more harm than good to the students. That’s why whiteboard is being used more commonly now.


Download Whiteboard For Mac

It yields a much cleaner writing result and erasing things doesn’t have to be so dusty anymore. However, our digital age has been able to surpass even the whiteboard itself. There are now Whiteboard Animation Software and different whiteboard programs available. Let’s know more about them below.



NittiTre WhiteBoard

A whiteboard software is a display system that is commonly used in video conferences or classroom activities. It’s a writable program that users can view, interact, and access websites from the display. It’s like having a whiteboard, but instead of it being physical, it’s in digital form and is being projected. Here are some of the fun things you can do with this type of computer program:

  • Draw Things to Life
    This software makes it possible for you to draw things on the whiteboard, just like you would in a physical one. It gives you plenty of drawing tools to work with such as shapes, text, pen, eraser, spray, etc.
  • Import Images
    If you want to provide a visual example, then it’s quite possible with this software. You can import images into the drawing area, which is very useful for classroom settings with kids. You talk about a hippo, you show them a hippo. Talk about a lion, show them lion.
  • Insert Videos, Images, and More
    Just like a Whiteboard Video Software, the software lets you insert video, shapes, audio, images, animation, images, etc. There’s basically a lot of things you can do to make the experience as interactive as possible.
  • Interactivity
    Interaction should be one of your main focuses when you’re using this type of software. This is especially true if you’re a teacher and it’s also very useful in the field of teaching. You can give interactive whiteboard lessons to your students, or provide them with presentations.
  • Set the Background Color
    Just because it’s called a whiteboard, that doesn’t really mean it has to be white as well. You can change the background color to different colors. This is helpful when it comes to whiteboard drawing, as the background colors could become an artistic touch.

Digital Whiteboard for Windows

Open Sankore for Linux

Smoothboard for Mac

Download Whiteboard App For Mac

LiveBoard: RealTime Whiteboard for Android

A Whiteboard Software is pretty handy because you can carry it anywhere with you. Just store the installer in a USB and you’d be good to go. Compared to the physical one, which you would have to physically carry and lift, doing that would not only take a lot of time to accomplish; it would also take a lot of strength.

Aside from that, it’s truly a fun software to use. You can draw, present, inserts images, write some text and a bunch of other stuff. It’s definitely designed for convenience and to deliver awesome results. Your meetings or classroom sessions will definitely improve a lot with the use of this program.

Best Whiteboard Apps For Mac

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